Wichtige Information zum Datenschutzvorfall / Wichtige Mitteilung an die betroffene Person (Art. 34 DSGVO)
Datenschutz und die Sicherheit unserer IT-Systeme haben für uns höchste Priorität. Trotz aller Schutzmaßnah...
Datenschutz und die Sicherheit unserer IT-Systeme haben für uns höchste Priorität. Trotz aller Schutzmaßnah...
SimpleLightbox.defaults = {
// add custom classes to lightbox elements
elementClass: '',
elementLoadingClass: 'slbLoading',
htmlClass: 'slbActive',
closeBtnClass: '',
nextBtnClass: '',
prevBtnClass: '',
loadingTextClass: '',
// customize / localize controls captions
closeBtnCaption: 'Close',
nextBtnCaption: 'Next',
prevBtnCaption: 'Previous',
loadingCaption: 'Loading...',
bindToItems: true, // set click event handler to trigger lightbox on provided $items
closeOnOverlayClick: true,
closeOnEscapeKey: true,
nextOnImageClick: true,
showCaptions: true,
captionAttribute: 'title', // choose data source for library to glean image caption from
urlAttribute: 'href', // where to expect large image
startAt: 0, // start gallery at custom index
loadingTimeout: 100, // time after loading element will appear
appendTarget: 'body', // append elsewhere if needed
beforeSetContent: null, // convenient hooks for extending library behavoiur
beforeClose: null,
beforeDestroy: null,
videoRegex: new RegExp(/| // regex which tests load url for iframe content